Building Design and Construction Background
This extraordinary building will be a centre for residents and visitors in Saskatoon to enjoy the collections and exhibitions of art, a vibrant meeting place and community hub, and a light-filled haven from which to view the river and the Meewasin Valley. The River Landing Parkade includes 155 stalls of parking for use by the general public, as well as patrons of the Remai Arts Centre and the Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan.
Click on rendering to view full size
The 12,000 square metre Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan features:
- Amenities: such as a sun-filled atrium lobby and community gathering space open to 2nd Avenue and the MVA trail; Restaurant and Gift Shop; a generous outdoor terrace overlooking the riverfront park and River Landing; an activity and educational suite; a stunning multi-purpose space cantilevered over 2nd Avenue; and a 150-seat lecture theatre.
- Galleries:
a ground floor gallery will provide flexible and dynamic programming for a wide range of acitivities. The
second floor collection gallery will exhibit and interpret highlights from the collection from a variety of perspectives. On the third floor, the Picasso linocuts and ceramics will be featured the Picasso Gallery, and the Marquee Gallery will present touring exhibitions from national and international museums.
- Administrative Spaces: primarily located on the fourth floor, including the staff offices and meeting rooms.
- Parking: the project includes the River Landing Parkade, with 155 stalls and ample, sheltered bicycle parking.
- LEED Silver design
Further information on the Remai Gallery can also be found at
EllisDon Construction is the contractor building this project, which also includes an addition to the Remai Arts Centre funded by the Persephone Theatre. Overall project costs include:
- Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan - $81.8M
- River Landing Parkade - $19.5M
- Remai Arts Centre Expansion (Persephone Theatre funding) - $0.7M
Funding for the Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan has been generously provided by all three orders of government as well as the private sector, including $13.02M from the Government of Canada, $17.1M from the Province of Saskatchewan, and $29.5M from the City of Saskatoon. Fundraising from the private sector has resulted in $22.1M in donations for the building. A self-financing loan to the Gallery for kitchen equipment at $500,000 completes the Gallery funding picture.
Remai Gallery fundraising continues for items currently outside of the scope of the project; for more information please go to
The River Landing Parkade is funded with $369,000 from the Province of Saskatchewan. $7M has been identified from the reallocation of capital, and the remaining $12.1M is funded from City borrowing, a portion of which will be paid back by the facility’s parking revenues.
The building is designed by Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects in association with Architecture 49. On December 15, 2011, Canadian Architect magazine announced a 2011 Award of Excellence for the Remai Art Gallery of Saskatchewan and it was featured on the cover of the magazine’s December 2011 issue.
Last updated May 5, 2015