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Architectural Controls

Saunders Evans Architects Inc. was commissioned in Spring 2004 to prepare this Design Plan for the City of Saskatoon and to recommend specific architectural controls for the areas collectively known as South Downtown. These areas are those specifically encompassed by the DCD1 zoning district. Geographically, these lands are those south of 19th Street between Avenue C on the west and Broadway Bridge on the east. The study area includes the former A. L. Cole Power Plant site at the south end of Avenue B, the former Gathercole site at the south end of 2nd Avenue, the current Meewasin Valley Authority office, and Friendship Park.

The architectural controls within this document are intended to guide developers in creating a strong sense of identity and place, as described in the South Downtown Concept Plan 2004 document. A copy of the concept plan found within this document is attached in Appendix A. Should this concept plan change, architectural guidelines found within this Design Plan may have to be modified to suit.

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